Title: Home Coming Rating: PG Character: Catelyn Word Count: 500 Summary: Young Lady Stark receives an unpleasant surprise upon her arrival at Winterfell.
Title: Chastity Rating: hard R Pairings: Sansa/Littlefinger, some Sansa/Harry the Heir Word Count: 500 Summary: Alayne's father takes his duty to protect her chastity very seriously. Warning: Pseudo-incest. All round creepy and disturbing.
Title: A Fine Friendship Rating: R Pairing: Sansa/Margaery Word Count: 500 Summary: The close friendship of Margaery Tyrell and Sansa Stark is a model for all the ladies of Westeros.
This is the ficlet I wrote for a ASoIaF slash ficlet exchange. I can't believe I never thought of Cersei/Sansa before this. That's a pairing full of all the unpleasant things I like.
Title: Woman To Woman Rating: R Pairing: Cersei/Sansa Word Count: 484 Summary: Cersei imparts a bit of womanly wisdom to Sansa.